Appointed by Oceanic Estates, we are working in collaboration with Boyle and Summers Architects on the second phase of the masterplan which will include significant green infrastructure enhancements across the site.

Key landscape improvements will include:
- Strengthening biodiversity by creating connectivity with existing habitats;
- Opportunities for staff and visitors to enjoy landscaped areas of the site;
- Creating synergy with the existing woodland setting through the use of native tree and hedge species to help integrate the development;
- Retention and enhancement of the western edge of the site to provide visual buffering from the adjacent M271;
- A range of grassland and meadow areas are proposed across the site to reinforce the landscape setting;
- Sustainable drainage systems will provide opportunities for a diversity of wetland habitats creating an attractive setting for each development plot.

We look forward to supporting this strategic development set to drive economic growth and create local jobs.
Read more on the Solent’s freeport plan and the businesses already moving into Adanac Business Park.