A new development near the River Avon

Highwood Group, Pennyfarthing Homes
Thrive Architects, WSP Transport, EPR, Burrell Tree Care, Turley
Our landscape and visual appraisal expertise identified suitable areas for housing and wider green infrastructure improvements, examining how they can work together to shape the edge-of-settlement development to reinforce the New Forest location.
Edge-of-Settlement Approach
North West Fordingbridge forms a natural extension to the existing settlement and is set within close proximity to the New Forest National Park and Cranbourne Chase & West Wiltshire AONB.
Working closely with Thrive Architects and New Forest District Council, we developed the phase 1 planning submission which was granted full permission in 2017.
Green Space Integration
Our proposals delivered a number of enhancements including a new riverside park that ties in with existing green links to the town centre. This newly created SANG (Suitable Alternative Green Space) park forms part of a safe pedestrian route to the town’s schools and colleges. There is also provision for naturally-equipped play along the walkway that includes references to the historic railway line.