Restoring a minerals landscape to shape a future community

Barker Mill Estates
Turley, Stuart Michael Associates, ECOSA
Set along the edge of the New Forest, the opportunity to restore a coastal landscape affected by years of mineral extraction helped shape the masterplanning process for this unique strategic housing development.
West Marchwood forms one of the largest strategic housing sites proposed in the New Forest District Council’s Local Plan. The masterplan includes a series of developable areas set around restored gravel extraction waterbodies, all nestled between the New Forest National Park and Southampton Water.
Enhanced Links to Neighbouring Settlements
Responding to the woodland edges, and with an aim to reduce recreational pressure on the National Park and Solent SPA, significant green infrastructure provision was delivered creating a woodland park to the north of the site.
Adopting best practice guidelines for SANGS (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space), this newly formed open space will tie in with the existing rights of way network and woodland. The project created enhanced links to neighbouring settlements and numerous opportunities for recreation and ecological enhancements.
Landscape Restoration
In collaboration with the Urban Design Team, engineers, and ecologists our landscape-led masterplan includes a series of developable areas set around waterbodies formed from the gravel extraction. In addition, the local centre and school provision is positioned on remnant mineral extraction spoil heaps.